Purchase a Memorial Brick
Memorial Bricks
Bricks may be purchased for $100.00
Each brick includes up to 3 lines of engraving with as many as 15 characters, alpha or numeric, per line. Spaces, dashes, etc., count as a character. The only punctuation mark allowed is an ampersand ‘&‘ . You can also have a special symbol engraved (Star of David, Cross or Heart). Your lines will automatically be spaced and centered by the engraver.Brick orders will be processed on a regular basis.
NOTE: Bricks take 3-4 weeks to fabricate from the time the order is processed and will only be scheduled for installation during our installation season which runs April 1st through October 31st.

Order Your Brick Online
Please note payments will be securely processed using PayPal.
NOTE: To specify a special symbol, type the following character on your keyboard: